Item Details
Fine pair of late Victorian antique leather armchairs, fully restored to a high standard upholstered in quality English hand dyed leather. The chairs are very well proportioned and very comfortable.
87 cmWidth:
90 cmDepth:
78 cmInternal Seat Depth 52cm
Seat Height 41cm
Internal Width 50cm
Arm-rest Height 63cm
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Local pick-up
Unit 3, New farm, Stow Marie's, Chelmsford, Essex, UK'%3e%3cpath d='M0 0v30h60V0z' fill='%23012169'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 60 30m0-30L0 30' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='6'/%3e%3cpath d='m0 0 60 30m0-30L0 30' clip-path='url(%23b)' stroke='%23C8102E' stroke-width='4'/%3e%3cpath d='M30 0v30M0 15h60' stroke='%23fff' stroke-width='10'/%3e%3cpath d='M30 0v30M0 15h60' stroke='%23C8102E' stroke-width='6'/%3e%3c/g%3e%3c/svg%3e)